Human Microbiome and Metagenomics Datasets

This collection of online resources provides concise summaries and direct access to premier databases in human microbiome and metagenomics research. Covering a range of topics from microbial community compositions to their impacts on human health, these databases are invaluable for researchers interested in exploring the intricate relationships between microbes and their hosts. Users may need to register or create accounts to download and utilize specific datasets.

1. CuratedMetagenomicData

Provides standardized, curated human microbiome data for novel analyses. It includes gene families, marker abundance, marker presence, pathway abundance, pathway coverage, and relative abundance for samples collected from different body sites.

CuratedMetagenomicData | View Publication

2. Human Microbiome Project Data Portal

An extensive resource providing data from the Human Microbiome Project to understand the microbial communities involved in human health and disease.

HMP portal | View 2019 Publication | View 2012 Publication

3. American Gut Project

A citizen science project exploring the microbial diversity of the human gut and its impact on health.

ENA Repository | Explore GitHub Analyses | View Publication

4. Guangdong Microbiome Project and Westlake Gut Project

Focused on the composition of the gut microbiome and its association with health conditions such as constipation and BMI.

Explore GitHub | Westlake Gut Project | View Publication

5. Dutch Lifelines Data

A biobank study offering insights into the gut microbiome's relation to various health metrics within the Dutch population.

Lifelines | View 2016 Publication | Cohort Profile

6. TwinsUK Gut Microbiome

Explores the genetic and environmental impacts on the gut microbiome using a UK twin cohort.

BioProject | View 2018 Publication | View 2016 Publication

7. MetaHIT

Establishes a comprehensive gut microbial gene catalogue, exploring links between the microbiome and human health and disease.

ENA Repository | View Publication